Design, build, operate digital solutions…

Use technology to grow businesses and relationships with developer Daniel Zambelli.

Self services for building relationships throughout your domain's lifecycle...
Information systems scales and powers every part of your business...
Uninterrupted availability for any number of users incl. documentation...
Value and progress from regularly meeting stakeholders and coming up with better solutions...
Culture for success in high performing self organising teams....
Last Used
Daniel are one of the strongest people on the project and a pleasure to work with
Product owner
The work Daniel have done on the app is extremely good.
Daniel is an ambitious person showing a strong determination to succeed.
Daniel is doing very well. Happy to have him on the team.
I’m very happy with Daniel’s engagement.
Product owner
We would not have made it so far without Daniel.
Senior Advisor

Daniel Zambelli works with small companies and leading enterprises to advance the business using technology and by acting on overlooked opportunities.

He have worked with companies like Deloitte, Novo Nordisk, Ejner Hessel, Velux, Hilfer and hundreds other... Graduated from Computer Science and Web Development, build a win the battle, win the war mindset from four years with the military and been in IT since 2010 on a mission for progress.

Life and time is finite- Daniel uses it wisely and are not afraid to take action in making the future. Outside his career, he is a student, an investor and a practitioner of health and exercise.

How do we start?
Click the button below and let’s chat.
What roles does he typically work in?
Daniel typically works with development in full stack, backend, frontend or infrastructure roles.
When can he start?
Daniel is available fulltime with a 1-2 months notice and able to step in within 1-2 weeks notice. Onsite and/or remote.
What’s the price?
Click the button below and get pricing sent instantly on email.
How do we collaborate?
Daniel onboards, meets the organisation, learns the details- And enters into the loop of planning, delivering and reviewing work.
What services does he often provide?
Daniel is routined in providing:

* Web and mobile application development.
* IT systems and applications development.
* Cloud and Infrastructure automation and orchestration.
* Consulting on strategies and outcomes.
* Automating business processes and workflows.
* Building MVPs for nontechnical leaders.
* Support and maintenance incl. training.
* Unrestricted access to experience.
What skills does he offer?
Daniel offers the right combination of programming, interpersonal, business, collaborative skills and experience to support digital transformation within organisations and teams.

Lets build the future!

Anything web, mobile, digital- from idea to rolled out and adopted solutions.